
The cabinet

The cabinet K'Aptain Physio opened its doors on 05-03-2018.
With a space of 158 m2, it consists of 4 individual treatment rooms, a warm waiting room and a gymnasium of 60 m2. It meets EFR standards and allows the reception of people with reduced mobility.

The team, young and dynamic, offers care at the practice by appointment or house calls in the neighborhood.
Therapists will respond to your health problem with a constant concern for optimal quality of care.

Physiotherapy: what is it?

Definition of the National Council of the Order of Masseurs-Kinésithérapeutes (2009):

"Physiotherapy is a health discipline, a clinical science of the human and an art. It focuses on the movement and activity of the person. Physiotherapy, performed for a therapeutic purpose or not, intervenes from a physiotherapic diagnosis and the evaluation concomitant to the act, in particular by means of educative techniques, manual and instrumental. It promotes the maintenance or improvement of physical, mental and social health, disability management and the well-being of people.

Physiotherapy is performed by rehabilitation professionals holding a State Diploma of masso-kinésithérapie and registered on the roll of the Order (Art: 43212 8: 4321 - 10 of the Public Health Code).

In the exercise of his activity, the physiotherapist takes into account the psychological, social, economic and cultural characteristics of the personality of each patient, at all ages of life. Within the framework of the medical prescription, he establishes a physiotherapeutic diagnosis and chooses the acts and the techniques which seem to him the most appropriate with the aim of restoring and optimizing the functioning of the individual, reducing or compensating the deficiencies and the limitations, and minimize the handicap.
It also has its place in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

Osteopathy: what is it?

Definition of the World Health Organization (2010):

"Osteopathy (also called osteopathic medicine) is based on the use of manual contact for diagnosis and treatment. It takes into account the relationships between body, mind, reason, health and illness. It emphasizes the structural and functional integrity of the body and the intrinsic tendency of the body to heal itself.

Osteopaths use a wide variety of manual therapeutic techniques to improve physiological functions and / or support homeostasis altered by somatic dysfunctions (body structures), ie alteration or impairment of the function of the components involved: somatic system, skeletal, articular, and myofascial structures, as well as vascular, lymphatic, and neurological correlates.

Osteopaths use their knowledge of the relationship between structure and function to optimize the body's ability to self-regulate and heal itself. This holistic approach to patient management is based on the concept that the human being is a dynamic functional unit, in which all parts are connected to each other. "
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